What, you may ask, is a gospel house? Well, our team helped build one. We have shown you house-building photos before, but this is a truly unique story. To begin with, it was for a man - a first for us. The leadership team of Restoration Community Church (RCC) makes the decisions regarding who qualifies for a house; that relieves us of the responsibility. The man they chose, David, is an older man who is a bachelor. He lived in a tiny one-room mud house with a very leaky straw roof, on a compound with some male relatives, but they didn't want him there. He has been a social outcast for many years. Why? Because he was mentally unstable. Through circumstances he began to come to RCC. He heard and understood the Gospel Message of coming into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He accepted that as the truth for his own life and not only did he experience a change of heart, but his mind was restored. He became rational. Because of his very poor living conditions,his age, his social status, and the radical change in his life, the decision was made to build him a house as a testimony to his neighbours and neighbourhood area, of the effect of his new life and relationships. He was able to get a piece of land not too far from the compound where he stayed, and the team from Florida and his cell group (home group) went there to build his house. It is a good sized two-room house and the view overlooks a great valley of beautiful bush and forestry. It is so peaceful and beautiful there! Of course the women cooked a couple of great meals so that the workers would be sustained and also, the last one - a chicken stew - being a closing celebration. At the end of the day, Pastor Rebecca of the team was asked to bless the house and David. Then he was asked if he had anything to say. The man spoke so clearly and articulately! He thanked everyone involved and praised God for His goodness to him. One of the pastors told Marty that there would be women lining up at his door hoping the man would marry one of them just so they could have such a good house! In the past no woman would have anything to do with him because of his mental state.
The male relatives from his compound sat in chairs the whole day watching the house-building from the beginning and were totally amazed that people would come together like that, build a habitable house in one day, and just give it to the man. That is what has the whole community amazed as well. You can see his relatives and other onlookers in the background of the above photo. Also,the onlookers and the locals who had come together to build the house were rather taken aback that the team - mzungu (white) foreigners - were hunting and carrying rocks to the site and were in the mud up to their ankles (and elbows) helping to fill in the walls. One of the pastors said he overheard one of the local women chastising other women there that if the wazungu (plural for mzungu) could haul rocks and fill the walls then they should be doing as much. So there you have it - that is why people are saying "That house is the Gospel".
One infant that we sent to hospital directly from the clinic was in serious danger of perishing. She was put on life support and, thankfully, responded. The baby had to stay in hospital until a few days ago, but it is now home and well.
One infant that we sent to hospital directly from the clinic was in serious danger of perishing. She was put on life support and, thankfully, responded. The baby had to stay in hospital until a few days ago, but it is now home and well.
The church in Florida that sent the team, Venetian Bay United Methodist Church (V-Bay UMC) was wholly involved in the mission, and many provided finances for the mission, and some, specific items. Money was provided to make new dresses for 35 destitute widows. Destitute is a relative term out here. However, a widow qualifies as "destitute" if she is past child-bearing age, has no source of income, has no children who can take care of her, and is of good reputation in the community. RCC has identified 35 - within the church, and the general community with the help of the chief. Marty and Sarah - a tayloress from RCC - went shopping in Kisumu, the nearest city, for fabric for 35 women. Then Sarah took the fabric to her shop - El Shadai Enterprises - and with list of widows in hand, systematically called each lady in to her shop, took their individual measurements, showed them the fabric so that they could choose the one they wanted, and then showed them various styles/patterns to choose from to have their dresses custom made. The really older ones chose conservative one-piece styles, whereas some of the ones not as old chose more contemporary two-piece dresses. There are no two dresses alike. We weren't able to give them all out in one day, but we have photos of some of them holding their dresses up to themselves. How sweet it was.
Blessings and Peace to Each of You.
John and Marty
I love this post. What a great opportunity for the kids to learn about other careers.