Wednesday, 30 November 2011


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Violet has a real heart for "total" orphans.  What, you may ask, are "total" orphans?  In the village there are many orphans; the ones with one parent living are "partial" orphans and the ones with no parents are "total" orphans.  Violet determined in her heart to see that the total orphans, who are usually raised by their widowed grandmothers, get a substantial meal once a week. Every Saturday afternoon about 30 total orphans come to Violet and Hesbone's compound where they are provided with a nourishing meal,  entertained, play games, are taught from the bible and are loved on.   She took a leap of faith, trusting the Lord for the food; she has no extra funds to feed them.  Yet, every week she is able to buy and prepare the food - the provision is there.  For example; Jeremy and Kirsty, through their church in the UK, were able to give Violet enough money to feed the children through mid-December.  Her eventual goal is to increase the number of days, starting with one additional day a month. When Jeremy and Kirsty, and also Anna were in Kenya with us they took several Saturdays between them with the orphans, and had a wonderful time with them.  It was a treat for all; the children loved having foreigners there with them and the feeling was mutual.  One day Jeremy and Kirsty, as part of their bible lesson, were teaching the children, outside under a tarpaulin, how to make the sound of rain.   As they were doing all of the actions and noises, it began to thunder and lightening and everyone had to make a dash for the shed where the crops are kept.  

The Sound of Rain

                                         And the Rains Came
Pencil Cases, Pencils, Erasers, Crayons and Colouring Books 
That day the children each got a pencil case with pencils and sharpeners and erasers; also, crayons and a colouring book.  Many had never had such a thing.  They were thrilled! Below you will see them in the shelter, waiving to us and showing the gifts they received!  Happy children!!

Some of these children walk several miles to come to their special meeting on Saturday.  They love coming!

Thank you for your love and support!


John and Marty

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