Here we are again - as promised - and this time filling you in on June! Many of you know that Marty finished 70 years on this earth on June 14. John felt the momentous occasion merited a big birthday party in Pennsylvania - which we had on the 20th. It was a good party!
Invitations were sent out and, at one friend's suggestion, we said that no presents were to be given, but money toward the purchase of 70 goats (one for each year) would be welcomed. GOATS!? you say. Why yes, goats!
Primary school in Kenya is "free", but children must provide their own uniforms, books and activities fees. In Kadawa - the village where we work in Kenya - most people are very poor. However, they are aware that the way out of poverty is through education and will sacrifice much to get their children to school. In large families the oldest son may be able to go, then the other boys, but many times the girls don't. If a child has a female goat to raise he/she can breed it, sell the milk and offspring and then use the money for uniforms, books and fees.
We received enough funding for 69 3/4 goats! We have been able to make up the difference - thank you! We are now working out logistics for purchasing that number, keeping them together, and then when we arrive having a Huge Goat Party for the unsuspecting and very surprised children! It will be such great fun and we are very excited about it all.
The beginning of the goat project started when the Sunday School class, called Mega Mix, at our church in Lichfield wanted to give us money for our mission work in Kenya. They did chores, gave of their allowance and even went without a meal or two and gave the cost of that meal to the project. We didn't really know what we would do with that money, but when there in Kadawa we thought of buying two goats. We gave them to two very surprised and happy little boys - David & Meshach. The goats were named Mega and Mix - see photo.
Another purchase we will make is a "good" he-goat so that these she-goats will give very good offspring, which will make them more desirable on the market.
If you are interested in helping a village child receive his or her education by purchasing goats they cost $20 (USD) or 15 GBP. You may reach us at for details on sending the funds. 100% of the money will be used to purchase goats.
This should catch you up for June. We would love to hear from you. It is so good to receive correspondence in response to our blog!
Many blessings!
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